Sunday, February 26, 2012

Portland fun

Kelly's Olympian was a blast last night. PLaying with our bro band FASTERS was fun and they certainly rocked the house with at least a few new songs I'd not yet heard. The bar side was pretty near full of folks before the bands went on; I spent much time chillin' talking to friends and drinking some kind of unpronounceable beer. Everyone drifted over to the band side once the Fasters started, so I moseyed along with them and took in the rock. Taken Outside and Shot Twice (T.O.A.S.T.) were on second, and they rocked the house and were really fewking funny to boot. I especially dug the Jesus Christ / white belt, Kung Fu hippie member, his motor-breath speed-rapping was great and the band seared along with a blood-pumping, modern alt-metal crunch, although they all look like regular dudes in tutus and superhero underwear. Not to be missed, go get burnt by T.O.A.S.T. sometime. The Underlings crawled up onstage last and we rocked it despite Dave's bass amp crapping out a couple times. Luckily, the sound guy was very competent and raised the bass to an appropriate level and we proceeded to do our thing. Lost my voice by the end of the set, but people seemed to dig and everyone stayed and it was very nice. We even sold a couple CDs and a 7", say yay for commerce. Now, we head back into our practice cavern to prepare for our next event: April 6th at Sam Bond's Garage with the Soothesayers and Pierced Arrows.



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