Blurred out rockin' That's usually the way it feels to play onstage - everything goes out of focus and it becomes a blur. An exercise in vaporizing one's own molecules until they disperse, powered by the solar wind coming out of the amplifiers and drums. This summer has been a blur, too. We've all made some time to go to the swimming hole, fishing hole and the dump, which is kind of a hole as well. Our booking schedule has looked like a
BLACK HOLE, but that's about to change. The Underlings are playing a secret party in Eugene this weekend, located somewhere near Willamette st and &th ave, so if you hear us blasting, poke your head in. I think the rocking will take place around 7-9 pm, so just wander around listening and I'm sure you'll find us - there are only so many blocks in Eugene. ENJOY what's left of the summer, we hope to see you at a venue in Eugene or Portland sometime during the months of September and Rocktober. Ta-ta for now,
-the 'lings
P.S. here's a band we played with a few weeks back, they were really cool - the Tom Price Desert Classic, from Seattle: